Fall 2023 Newsletter
Featured Article:Transforming An Old Bank Into A New Town Hall
In 2019, the Town of Remington acquired the former Regions Bank building on the corner of S. Ohio and E. South Railroad Streets with plans to convert the older structure into a new Town Hall. The bank had been closed for many years before town officials approached Regions Bank with the idea of purchasing and renovating the building. The 5,812-square-foot, single- story building would enable the Town to combine all its offices under one roof and to provide for future growth.
The Town hired KJG Architecture to provide a feasibility report and to prepare preliminary designs of the building’s layout. The old bank building had been built in 1939 and had undergone two additions over the years. Older buildings can pose challenges because you don’t always know what’s behind the walls, floors, and ceilings until you uncover them. “Our biggest challenge was keeping the project under budget. Due to the age of the building there were a few unknowns,” says Jonathan Cripe, Remington’s Town Manager.
The Hamstra Group was chosen to perform the renovations. Demolition began in October of 2022. Hamstra already had a very good working relationship with the Town of Remington, having built the new fire station as well as the Remington Library addition and renovation. Our team was eager to get started…
Fall 2023 Newsletter