Summer 2018 Newsletter
Featured Article:Creating Space for a New Vision
In 2015, the Grand Rapids, Michigan headquarters of Reformed Church in America [RCA] adopted a new 15 year “Leadership Communities” strategic vision. While that vision—about new ways to serve churches—would entail change, what would also be required was additional space.
The leaders at RCA knew and respected Wilbert Hamstra, founder and CEO emeritus of The Hamstra Group, and invited the company’s assistance. “Wilb has been a friend for many years, and is someone I trust and respect,” said Paul Boice, CEO of RCA. “He is also a faithful member of the RCA. We asked The Hamstra Group to make a proposal and we liked what the design team presented.”
“Greg Hamstra [current president and CEO], like Wilb, walked through this project with us, and used the impressive Hamstra Group talents to build an exceptional Ministry Center that will bless so many within the Reformed Church and the community,” added RCA Director of Development Ken Neevel….
Summer 2018 Newsletter